Kent u3a Network
The Kent Network of the university of the third age (u3a) covers the county of Kent. All the Kent u3as, of which there are now 32, are free to join the Network and attend our Network meetings.
Our main aims are:
Our main aims are:
- To keep our u3as vibrant and forward looking.
- To enable all Kent u3as to share experiences and learn from each other through discussion and networking between chairs at the two annual meetings.
- To extend support to all members of committees through the annual development day.
- To organize study days through the year for all u3a members
- To liaise with the SE Forum and to represent Kent at larger, national events.
South East u3a Forum
The South East u3a Forum exists:
- To enable effective co-operation between the Kent, Surrey and Sussex u3a Networks, so that joint activities such as the Chichester University Summer School, the Spring Conference in the Meridian Hall, East Grinstead, occasional seminars on topics of relevance to u3a and workshops for u3a group leaders can be organised for all our members.
- To enhance communication with the National Executive Committee of the Third Age Trust through the elected representative for the South East Region.
- To provide a forum for debate on Third Age Education and the many advantages, including social welfare benefits, that u3a bring to members.
The Third Age Trust
The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for local u3a in the UK. It is both a limited company and a registered charity. It underpins the work of local u3a by providing educational and administrative support to their management committees and to individual members and assists in the development of new u3a across the UK. It is managed by a National Executive Committee which consists of a Chairman, 3 other Officers and 12 representatives from the government regions in the UK. The Third Age Trust is funded mainly by annual subscriptions paid by member u3a on a per capita basis, with the occasional grant for specific projects. It has 7 full time and 7 part time staff and is located in London.
Local u3a are independently managed charitable associations with their own constitutions. Membership of The Third Age Trust is a requirement in order to use the u3a name and logo both of which are protected but once registered, providing the aims and guiding principles of the organisation are adhered to, local u3a are self-governing.
Local u3a are independently managed charitable associations with their own constitutions. Membership of The Third Age Trust is a requirement in order to use the u3a name and logo both of which are protected but once registered, providing the aims and guiding principles of the organisation are adhered to, local u3a are self-governing.